
weather [weðər]

1.[NOUN] The weather is the condition of the atmosphere in one area at a particular time, for example if it is raining, hot, or windy.
¶ The weather was bad
¶ I like cold weather
¶ Fishing is possible in virtually any weather.
¶ the weather conditions.

1.[VERB] If something such as wood or rock weathers or is weathered, it changes colour or shape as a result of the wind, sun, rain, or cold.
¶ Unpainted wooden furniture weathers to a grey colour
¶ This rock has been weathered and eroded.

2.[VERB] If you weather a difficult time or a difficult situation, you survive it and are able to continue normally after it has passed or ended.
¶ to weather the storm
¶ The government has weathered its worst political crisis.
Sales at U.S. retailers fell less than projected in May, showing consumers were weathering elevated gasoline costs.

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